We turn now to the passage as a whole. This is the first time that we have seen Aeneas acting as a hero (his actions and speech during the storm are hardly heroic). In many ways, his actions here are anticipating his speech that immediately follows - while he is surely disappointed not to see the ships of any of his comrades, upon spying the deer, he immediately represses that disappointment and takes advantage of the situation to provide for his men. As we will see a few lines later, his speech is meant to fortify his men mentally, just as the deer he has killed has fortified them physically. Looking ahead to line 209, right after his speech, Vergil states that Aeneas premit altum corde dolorem ('presses down his deep sorrow in his heart'), and although it is unsaid, the same must be the case in this passage.
Another question that we might raise about this passage (one that I will leave open for comments) is whether it is significant that Aeneas' first act upon landing in Libya is an act of violence - killing these deer (and beginning with the three leaders). It is interesting to note that Dido is later compared to a deer struck by an arrow (conjecta cerva sagitta, 4.69) and that the initial cause of fighting once the Trojans land in Latium is the killing, by Ascanius, of a sacred deer. I'll also note that the Trojans once before have immediately begun killing animals after landing in a foreign land, and as a result they were attacked and then cursed by the Harpies. Are their meaningful connections to be made with any of these other scenes, or are they just coincidence? Can Aeneas' actions here be understood on a symbolic level as well?
I think Aeneas is first portrayed with violence because as a leader escaping from a war, violence is the most easiest charateristic to introduce the leader. His violence also shows he is powerful and not a coward escaping from Troy.
The fact that Aeneas begins his stay in Libya with an act of violence, in my opinion, foreshadows the events which will unfold there. Aeneas' trademark is piety, yet he does not immediately make sacrifices to the gods upon reaching Libya. To me this underscores his piety, and implies that for the duration of his stay, he will not act like himself--which proves true, as Juno makes him fall in love with Dido. It also foreshadows the Punic Wars, and predicts the continuing strife that will exist between the Trojans and the Carthaginians.
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